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About Laura

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Laura Viale

Certified Functional Nutrition Counselor

Ayurvedic Lifestyle Coach

Hi! I’m Laura, and I’m obsessed with all things natural wellness. When my hair started falling out, the night sweats began, I woke up wired at 2 am all the time, and my anxiety came back...


... I had hit perimenopause.


I was tired, anxious, and felt like I was failing at life. The embarrassing part was that I was a wellness industry veteran and "should've" known what to do to balance my hormones, but the supplements and meditation, and yoga just weren't helping enough.


What I learned and experienced over the next 8 years studying hormone balance as a Functional Nutrition  Counselor and an Ayurvedic Lifestyle Coach led me

and hundreds of other women to feel light, happy, rested and 10 years younger.


Now I have the confidence to go after the life I've always envisioned for myself, and the inspiration to help other women suffering with symptoms of hormone imbalance like I did, find their spark again.


My career in the wellness industry began 20 years ago when I graduated from Massage School. Since then, I’ve been a practitioner in wellness centers; spent 10 years owning and operating my own wellness center in Newton, MA; and I’ve coached women back to their healthiest selves using the ancient wisdom of Ayurveda and the science of Functional Nutrition.

Herbs and Minerals

My Why

Learn why I do what I do in this interview in the Fierce Over 40 Series by Show Your Spark.


Your Body's Wisdom

Honored to be a guest on Lisa Dahl's Healthy Without Rules Series to discuss the importance of listening to our body's wisdom. 

My Philosophy

I believe that as a culture we've lost the deep connection to our bodies that is innate to us. As modern medicine has evolved, our trust in the guidance of our own bodies has faded away.


Many women I speak with share that they are worried and confused about their symptoms. Women are not taught about their body's rhythms or their natural phases of puberty, reproduction and menopause. These subjects are often viewed as embarrassing and we've been given the message at an early age that this all should be kept private.

I want to change this and not only educate women about the transition we all go through called perimenopause, but encourage us to talk to each other about it and share what we learn - especially with our daughters and younger generations. 

My Mission:

To teach women to reconnect with their bodies, trust their bodies, and make choices to nurture and care for themselves using the innate guidance from their bodies. 

To empower women to put themselves first so they have the energy, passion, and motivation to create a life that is full of joy and purpose, and meaning. 

To flip the paradigm from seeing the phase of peri and post-menopause as a time of suffering to seeing it as a time when 


 women are at our BEST,

connected to our HIGHEST selves, 

sharing our WISDOM and life lessons, and

THRIVING in this next phase of life. 

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